Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Way Thais Grow Up!

This is how I grew up...

I was told gratefulness is the best quality in a person. You have to do whatever your parents ask you to because they raised you up, fed you and even though you are abandoned, you still have to be obliged because your parents gave you your live. 

Aside from the parents, there are teachers (the third parent) -- because teachers give you knowledge.

Also the king and his family because their ancestors have fought for Thailand in the past and brought in civilizations. The current HM King Rama IX is also known and highly repected and appreciated  by Thai people for many development projects.

In school, we stood in front of the flagpole every morning singing and paying respect* to the Thai National Anthem. After the national anthem, we said a prayer and then a pledge to "die for the nation, the religion and His Majesty."

In history classes, our ancestors are all great men, who had fought for the country and against the enemies.  

And this is why many Thais have become nationalists and royalists. 

Do not say bad things about our country or our King. You will not be able to do business with them anymore. (Even when they were the one started it -- Keep your opinions to yourself.) Actually, doing this (saying bad things about the King) is illegal in Thailand. You may face jail sentence up to 10 years.

We also expect you to return favor. We will try to put you under an obligation and demand it back without condition, and sometimes in weird circumstances. So, be careful.

We also belive being a Thai is the greatest thing ever happened to us. We do not see the reason why we have to know how to speak other languages. We prefer buying Thailand-made products and services. Therefore, we do not like the idea of offshore outsourcing too much.

BPO have to make us believe that you can do the job as well (not better - we will be offended). List down the reason why you are doing this, what technologies you are using, your past success and assure us that there will be at least one Thai person to look over the operations and talk to us.  That one Thai person has to be an educated native Thai and not just a foreigner who can speak the language well.

Sounds difficult. But believe me. If the operation starts well, they will believe in your services and from then, everything else is smooth as silk!

* Note1:  This "Paying respect" thing is mendatory in Thailand. You can be prosecuted if you don't pay respect to the royal family, royal anthem, national anthem, national flag, royal portraits, etc. properly. I'll write about such cases in thailand in a while... so visitors, be careful. 

** Note2: Don't hate us for being like this. Blame it on the governments, society and education system...

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